Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The End

I'm coming to the end of my journey here in NUS. Exactly 2 more weeks and I'm done with the terrible shits of exams, assignments and CAs.

Studying the past few days was pretty productive. I stopped Dotaing for 5 days straight now and it really frees up a lot of time. Of course I'm still watching my shows and hang around in Facebook but removing dota from my life resulted in lots of free time. Then again, I'm not gonna do very well for my 2 modules.

I know I did lots of mistakes in today's Korean test and I'm really nervous about the skit and oral tomorrow. I never liked oral, I've always had trouble with oral tests even if it's English. Thinking about oral reminds me of 1 of my oral tests way back in secondary or primary school, can't really remember when. It was a Malay oral test and I was pretty damn nervous. The moment I sat down in front of my teacher, I saw the word "FAIL" right in front of me. After looking properly, it was actually a file and file is spelt as "fail" in Malay. LoL, bad sign.

I'll be done with Korean the moment the oral test is over tomorrow. Then I'll be left with Macroeconomics. Damn Macro is a stupid module... It started out ok but then it starts getting confusing towards the end. I haven't touched the last few lectures of the module but I have a little less than 2 weeks to focus solely on Macro. Hopefully I'll get enough to pass the module. Even a D would be enough, just don't screw me and get me an F.

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