Saturday, October 10, 2009

커피 프린스 1호점

Ahh, it's a good day to wake up early. Ate KFC breakfast which IMO is much better than McD's breakfasts.

Had a good chat with 2 friends that I haven't been talking to for quite sometime. Ok, it hasn't been very long since the last time I talked to 1 of them but she used to complain to me about everything all the time so 1 week without any complains from her feels like a long time lol. I guess no complains is a good thing for her though, hope everything goes smoothly for her.

The other guy is a friend from the same year as me. Had a short chat and I got to know that travelling to Korea isn't really as expensive as I thought it would be. He spent 10 days in Seoul few months back for less than 1.2K SGD including of air tickets and accommodations which to me is really worth it. Heck I spent nearly RM2k just for a week in Kota Kinabalu. Now I'm really interested in going to Korea but I'm not really a solo backpacker kind of person. So anyone wants to tag along? =)

Oh and I'm currently really stuck on Coffee Prince. It's really a fun drama to watch. It's starts off a bit shaky and lame but as the show progresses, the chemistry between Eun Chan and Han Kyul makes the show really likeable. I can see why the ratings for the show are so high in Korea, how can you not fall in love with a show with cast that has such great chemistry together? Definitely a must watch drama if you're a K-drama lover!

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