Thursday, September 17, 2009


Ahh.. Engin lost to Science in semis for DotA...

We were undoubtly the favourites to win gold. Stormed through the group stages with 4 impressive wins out of 4 games. Sadly it all ended because of some major decisions that I made.

Few factors why we lost (warning! everything will be stated in DotA terms):
1) Drafting, I underestimate the strength of AP and gave it to opponents without thinking. I drafted a draft which was not really a bad draft, but frankly speaking it didn't fit to our team's play-style. I knew very well that we did not have an established Rhasta player but still went on to pick it without picking another stable carry along with my QOP.

2) Item builds. The draft definitely brought our chances of winning down but what I believe to be the most important factor was my item build. Going hex and orchid for that game was utterly stupid. The problem is, I knew I shouldn't be getting those items before I got them because of the lack of dps in our team but still went on to get them because my teammates insisted on it. If I were to listened to my heart and went for pure damage instead, the game would have been won.

3) Lack of commanding. This team has pretty stubborn players. Without proper commanding, they'll just insist on forcing their way into the opponents base. With opponents having a pugna and AP, force pushing should never be an option. It was common sense that we will lose once we stick and force and once again I knew it but didn't command the team to back up and wait for an opportunity.

4) Hero assignments. This was not my fault.. I already insisted on Zohn playing the bane but instead, Guolong who can't micro more than 1 unit took it. By not being able to micro, it means that he won't be getting a book 3. 1 book 3 will give us an enourmous advantage by being able to use it to kill pugna's nether ward before an engage. The true sight given by the blue guy would have also enable us to deward and counter potm's ulti. (Again, this brings me back to my item build. I could also have gotten a book 3 but decided not too because of comments from my teammates.)

All in all, the lost really comes down to my decisions. I made decisions based on comments and actions by my teammates knowing very well that those decisions will be detrimental to our chances of winning. If only I had more self-confidence on my decisions and played the game based on my instincts, we definitely would have won.

It's really depressing that I failed to realize this sooner. So this is the feeling of scoring an own goal + giving a penalty + getting red-carded all in 1 game... =(

3rd/4th placing against SoC this Saturday. Come watch if free! The finals between Biz and Sci would be an interesting one though. In my opinion Science would probably win it but if Biz manages to pull another surprise strategy (they did omni+od in group stages against Science), they may be able to win it.

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