Tuesday, April 15, 2008


It's funny how I only have the urge to watch One Tree Hill when reading week is approaching. Since I came to NUS to study, every time reading week approaches I'll just watch One Tree Hill. Sometimes a few episode at once, taking a few hours of study time away from me =.= but instead of watching it till its finished, or at least till the latest episode, I always stop watching after finals is over. The addiction just goes away right after my last paper and I only continue watching on the next semester's reading week. So apart from Dota, Winning Eleven, manga and animes, I'm currently addicted to One Tree Hill too....

Think I played my last football game in PGP yesterday. Have a slight injury on my ankle which doesn't really hurt much(can run and jump without problems) but I'm not gonna risk a serious injury by playing more football any time soon and since I'm moving out soon, don't think I'll have the time to come back here to play.

Can't seem to get an internship for this holidays. Been looking through a few companies but sadly none has replied. I think my bad results is the main factor. Sigh, haven't graduate already can't find job.... Graduate liow don't know do what.......

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